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Page 1 of Raspberry Pi

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Raspberry Pi

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2012, 21:21

Got mine yesterday and am actually blown away with it. Only been phannying about using it as a very, very, basic pc on a tv up the stairs but now I know how to get it running in a "Windows style environment" (Icons/mouse pointer etc) I am really enjoying the thrill of the chase so to speak . Trying to get OpenELEC or Raspbmc (Media centre software) to install/run at the moment so will let you know how I get on. Looks like Linux for Dummies will be the next order from Amazon
Anyway my good lady and I are hoping our grandbairns pick it up quicker than their daft auld grandparents

Well worth £25 and allied to an Sd Card looks like a great wee unit to learn on

Choagy FFCUK The SPL

RE: Raspberry Pi

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2012, 21:54


Managed to get Debian 6.0.5_i386 businesscard.iso and OpenELEC installed on one 8Gb sdcard and the Pi now works flawlessly as a media centre. The picture quality , AVI, is in all honesty amazing considering the spec of the Pi. I used powered speakers and will probably get a powered usb hub to prevent any drain ? on the supply when I add other drives/wireless devices .But honestly folks GET ONE ASAP    . My good lady and the neighbours thought I had had a stroke when I let out a roar of satisfaction at getting OpenELEC to work and then play AVI`s. Not very techie but I can see myself getting right in to this wee machine, hope our grandson , 8, enjoys it as much as me 

Choagy FFCUK The SPL

RE: Raspberry Pi

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th June 2012, 00:59

I recognise that joy from way back when the ZX81 was unpacked and switched on.


Every Third Car

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Raspberry Pi

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th June 2012, 07:03

well done for getting it going ow you want. I think the Raspberry Pi site has info on software for learning to program with their suggested tools etc, so hopefuly it will be somehting you and grandson can do together, and learn with each other, which is in the spirit of the campaign :)

I`m still in 2 minds about getting one, as I don`treally  need it, I have enough PCs and other things to do what I`d want it for, but not the time to make use of it all :(

As you know there`s a few of us Linux fans/users here, so hopefuly we can help out should you get stuck. Am def interested to here how you progress with it.

original thread about it

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th June 2012, 08:04

RE: Raspberry Pi

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 12th June 2012, 12:16


have you tried running anything other than .avi files through it?

i currently run xbmc live on my acer revo 3700, which plays anything i throw
at it (720p / 1080p / 3D mkv`s, avi`s etc). over my network.

i`m interested in getting a rpi for our bedroom (can`t afford another revo and the
PS3 is too limited in what it`ll play).

My Flickr Photostream

RE: Raspberry Pi

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th June 2012, 18:29

Off the top of my head I think some of the video files were Xvid/divx. I will have a wee look later at the Modern Family ones, I think they were 1080p-Xvids and they played perfectly . Not tried mkv`s yet so not sure, sorry.


Choagy FFCUK The SPL

RE: Raspberry Pi

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2012, 00:03

I forgot all about this, i am going to order one of these right now!

I want to learn linux so will be looking for some startup tips from the gurus here?

I just can`t stop myself from tweaking/modding everything i have....PS3/Xbox/Smartphones....etc, i have even been pulling the old saturn and dreamcast from the loft to mod recently for something to do.

This raspberry pi sounds like something to get my teeth into.

Where did you buy from Choagy?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th June 2012, 01:06

RE: Raspberry Pi

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2012, 06:19

BUYING AND SHIPPINGWhere can I buy one?Quote:
You can buy the Raspberry Pi through Premier Farnell/Element 14 and RS Components. Both distributors sell all over the world.
they are the only suppliers, there`s a waiting list though, not sure how long it is at the moment.

If you want to learn Linux, you could use your current PC, and either

a) dual boot
b) use a virtual machine in something like then you can happily install it without interfering with Windows.

Good linux tutorial here

When you say you want to learn linux, what do you mean? Like saying "I want to learn Windows", "I want to learn MacOS" that could mean any number of things.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th June 2012, 07:21

RE: Raspberry Pi

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2012, 07:47

I would like to learn and understand the terminal commands, whenever I need to use them i need to follow a guide.... usually for doing something on my phone using cyanogenmod roms.

RE: Raspberry Pi

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2012, 14:44

admars says...
there`s a waiting list though, not sure how long it is at the moment.
I registered interest on day 1 with RS, got the email about 2 weeks ago saying I could now order mine and as of yet it still hasn`t been despatched so I wouldn`t hold your breath if you intend to start the ordering process as of now.

This is also the probable reason they are selling for £60+ on Fleabay.

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"


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