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Page 1 of Completely new Home Cinema purchase...

Hardware Forum

Completely new Home Cinema purchase...

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2017, 13:19

I'm moving house soon and there's a 10 year plan to this one so I'm going to make sure I get the lounge setup for home cinema!

I think the last time I posted in the hardware forum about home cinema components was when I was at Uni 15 years ago!!! :-)

Starting with the basics, the room will be carpeted so is this OK for floor mounted speakers?  I see them all coming with those big pointy floor stands which makes me wonder whether I should consider having the speakers on the side cabinet the TV will be stood on (or mounted above, haven't decided).  Problem there is that the 55" TV takes up most the cabinet so the speakers would probably be right next to the TV, is that a problem?

Having looked around a little bit I'm thinking of budgeting £450 for the AV Receiver and £750 for a speaker package (cables I'll buy separately).  Is that a balanced ratio or should I tweak it?

Basically I like to hit that sweet spot between VFM and quality.  I don't mind spending more if there is a significant improvement I can notice but if I need to get out some specialist equipment to monitor the improvement then it's not for me!

Initial browsing had me looking at:

What would you guys do if you had to go out now and buy a new system?


RE: Completely new Home Cinema purchase...

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2017, 14:57

For Home cinema I prefer spending my money on the visuals to get as near cinema experience as possible, so bought a Hitatchi projector TV ten years ago at over £1500 specifically for DVD use only,  with a very quiet integral cooling fan motor in it, and it projects onto my white wall 16 feet away, and gives a 14 feet by 8 feet projection size. I needed a really upmarket DVD player to give good resolution. Downside was that replacement projector bulbs have been expensive.

Nowadays you can get the same equivalent projection TV setup for  around  £300 out of PC world, with cheaper projector bulbs.

As for sound I have a Sharp home cinema sound system, comprising amp, 3 speakers in front of the screen, 2 surround sound speakers at the back, and a sub woofer at the back as well.
Price unknown, as it was a Christmas present.

At for normal TV use I use my 50" Plasma TV, as I like big screens

RE: Completely new Home Cinema purchase...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2017, 19:29

r8sso says...
"Problem there is that the 55" TV takes up most the cabinet so the speakers would probably be right next to the TV, is that a problem?"

Which speakers would be that close? Not really following you... :(

I'm a big fan of bipole surround speakers, they really sound good, all four of my rears are this type. I used to have 2 bipole and 2 normal and I liked the bipole so much I bought an identical set off ebay second hand.

Also, depending on your neighbours, you can't beat a really good sub!


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RE: Completely new Home Cinema purchase...

andrewhite (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th July 2021, 19:37

Living in a exotic country is very popular nowadays. Every people want to live there, to have an easy and beautiful life with their family or friends. I know a friend who lives an Phillipines and moved there last year. He was helped by SPAM SPAM SPAM a big company that sells houses at a very interesting price. After some search he found the best house where to live. The view is beautiful, the atmosphere is amazing and he doesn`t regret that is living there. We should visit different countries, because we live one life, and the rest is history.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th July 2021, 22:18

RE: Completely new Home Cinema purchase...

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th July 2021, 20:57

Well well a post on a four year old thread that contains a link.
I wonder what this could be.


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